Semester Offered | Course # and Title | Controls | Prerequisites |
Fa | Sp | Su |
| X | | AE 456 – Solar Energy Building System Design | 7th sem. St. | |
| | X | AE 469 – Photovoltaic Systems Design and Construction | | EE 210 or EE 211 |
X | X | | CE 370 – Introduction to Environmental Engineering | Major CE, ENVE, METEO; Minor ENVSE | CHEM 110; (MATH 111 or 141) |
X | X | | CE 371 – Water and Wastewater Treatment | Majors CE, ENVSE | CE 360, 370 |
X | X | | CE 475 – Water Quality Chemistry | | CHEM 110, 111, CE 370 |
X | X | | CE 476 – Solid and Hazardous Waste | | CE 370, 371 |
X | X | X | CHE 320 – Phase & Chemical Equilibria – in person or WEB | Majors CHE | CHE 210, 220 both with grade of C or better |
X | X | | CHE 410 – Mass Transfer Operations | Majors CHE | CHE 320; (CHE 330 or 350) |
X | X | | CHE 430 – Chemical Reaction Engineering | Majors CHE | CHE 320 |
X | | | CHE 438 – Bioprocess Engineering | | CHEM 212 |
| | | CHE 446 – Transport Phenomena | | CHE 330, 350, 360; prereq or concurrent CHE 410 |
X | X | | EE 387 – Energy Conversion | | EE 350 or EE 312 |
X | | | ENVSE 400 – Safety Engineering | | CHEM 110, PHYS 211, MATH 141 |
X | | | ENVSE 404 – Surface and Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems | Major ENVSE | CHEM 110, MATH 141, PHYS 212, EME 301 |
| X | | ENVSE 406 – Sampling and Monitoring of the Geo-Environment | Major ENVSE, Minor ENVSE | MNPR 301 or concurrent |
| X | | ESC 313 – Intro to Principles, Fabrication Methods, and Applications of Nanotechnology | | CHEM 110, 111, PHYS 212, 214 |
X | | | ESC 414 – Elements of Material Engineering | | (EMCH 213 or 210); (pre or concurrent PHYS 237 or ESC 312) |
| | | ESC 417 (MATSE 417) Electrical and Magnetic Properties | | MATSE 400, 413; concurrent MATSE 402 |
X | | | ESC 481 – Elements of Nano/Micro-eletromechanical Systems Processing and Design | | ESC 312 or EMCH 213 or 315 |
X | | | ESC 482 – Micro-Optoelectromechanical Systems (MOEMS) and Nanophotonics | | PHYS 212, 214 |
X | | | ESC 483 – (MATSE 483) Simulation and Design of Nanost | | MATH 230; (PHYS 214 or ESC 312) |
X | X | X | GEOG 430 – Human Use of Environment – in person or WEB | | GEOG 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 or 130 or permission |
X | X | X | MATSE 259 – Properties and Processing of Engineering Materials – in person or WEB | | EMCH 210 or 213 |
| X | | MATSE 412 – Thermal Properties of Materials | | (MATSE 201 or 259); pre or concurrent MATSE 401 |
| | | ME 402 – Power Plants | | ME 410 |
X | | | ME 403 – Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Engines | | ME 300; pre or concurrent ME 320; concurrent ME 410 |
X | | | ME 404 – Gas Turbines | Major ME | |
| X | | ME 408 – Energy Systems | Major ME, NUCE; 4th sem. St. | ME 320, 410 |
| X | | ME 411 – Heat Exchanger Design | Major ME, NUCE; 4th sem. St | ME 410 |
| X | | ME 431 – Internal Combustion Engines | Major ME, NUCE; 4th sem. St. | |
X | X | | METEO 473 – Application of Computers to Meteorology | | CMPSC 101 or 201 or 202 or METEO 273 |
| X | | METEO 474 – Computer Methods of Meteorological Analysis and Forecasting | | STAT 301 or 401 or EBF 472 |
X | | | MNG 401 – Mining Operations – in person or WEB | | EMCH 211 |
X | | | MNG 410 – Underground Coal Extraction | | MNG 404, 422, 331 |
| X | | MNG 441 – Surface Mining Systems and Design | | MNPR 301, MNG 030 |
| X | | MNPR 301 – Elements of Mineral Processing | Major ENVSE, MNGE (Reserve Caps will be removed first day of class) | CHEM 110, MATH 141 |
X | | | NUCE 301 – Fundamentals of Reactor Physics | Major NUCE | MATH 251; Concurrents MATH 230, 232, PHYS 214 |
X | | | NUCE 310W – Issues in Nuclear Engineering | Major NUCE 5th sem. St. | |
| | | NUCE 401 – Intro to Nuclear Engineering | | MATH 250 or 251 |
| | | NUCE 405 – Nuclear and Radio-chemistry | | CHEM 452 or PHYS 237 or NUCE 301 |
X | | | NUCE 420 – Radiological Safety | | NUCE 301 or 405 |
| | | NUCE 428 – Radioactive Waste Control | | NUCE 301 or 405 |
X | | | PNG 405 – Rock and Fluid Properties | Major PNGE; 5th sem. st. | PHYS 211 |
| X | | PNG 410 – Applied Reservoir Engineering | Major PNGE 6th sem. St | PNG 405, 406, PHYS 211 |
X | | | PNG 411 – Intro to Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction | Major ENVSE, PNGE; 5th sem. st. | PHYS 211 |
| X | | PNG 480 – Production Process Engineering | Major PNGE; 8th sem. St. | EME 301, 303 |